【NZ語学研修】Japanese Culture Presentations
After a very busy Valentine's day, students were back to school. In the morning, they followed lessons from Rowan and Phil about New Zealand slang (casual language), but were also offered to taste food popular in NZ such as Weet-bix, licorice, vegemite, and so on.

Once again, one the most precious time of the day was undoubtedly the breaktimes during which Hokuriku students could mingle with Tairua students. As you can see, all the students are gaining confidence in their English communication skills.

As a symbol of how well our students integrated with the kiwis, one of Tairua school girl student spent her last 3 days after school to make bracelets for all of our girl students.

In the afternoon, it was time for our students to make their presentation about Japanese culture. The Japanese food presentation...

the Japanese language presentation...

the origami presentation...

the manners presentation...

the ninja presentation...

...and the Japanese games presentation.

All the presentations were a big success, and the Tairua school students were very interested in trying out different activities our students had planned for them. Well done to all our students! Everyone left school with a smile on the face.